Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In His Grip


Today we went to the hospital for your 3 month check up and to give you a few shots. The nurse asked me if I wanted to hold you or lay you on the table while she administered the vaccination. I chose to hold you. I couldn't bear to let you feel that pain alone, without a comforting embrace to make you feel loved and safe. As I held you, you began to writhe in pain and scream until your face turned firey red. Though I didn't regret the decision to bring that pain upon you, it broke my heart to hear you cry. I did not enjoy your screams or the knowledge of your pain, but I knew the reason why it was necessary. Such is a father's love.

Son, this life is going to bring you much pain and suffering. This is simply the nature and consequence of living in a fallen and sinful world. Though the pain may come, and come it will, remember that we are always in our Father's grip. Just as I knew today that the pain I willfully allowed into your life would bring about a more important good, a good that would protect you and strengthen you for the future. So it is also with our heavenly Father. Not everything that comes into your life will be good, but remember Romans 8:28. "God works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes". God does not abandon us in our times of pain. We scream and cry when we endure pain, and sometimes it doesn't feel like God is near, but He is. As you read this letter, He holds you just as I held you earlier today.

I know the pain of getting shots. I've receieved many in my life. That may be one of the greatest thing about our God, that He is not removed from our pain. He endured it first hand. He stepped out of heaven to become man, to know our pain, to overcome our pain, and to take the ultimate pain away. The pain of being separated from Him. Trust God. For even when you let go of Him, you are still in His grip.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a great post MK! I'be never been one to be into the meaning of names, but this is totally cool. Can't imagine whaat you went through, but so neat to see you on this side of it all. I'm happy to know you. :)
