Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Reason

There are many reasons to begin blogging I suppose, probably as many reasons as there are people who blog. My reason is two fold I guess. The first reason is simple, and perhaps a bit morbid I admit. I want my son to know certain truths, truths that I hope that I'll share with him time and again as the years go by. But should my years be few, and if my voice fades from his ears before my words can be understood, I'd like to leave him what little knowledge I have. There is little that I can say that hasn't been said before and I don't claim any special insight into life, but it's a father's right and priveledge to pass on advice to his son. So I am writing to my son, Jaden Christopher. This is for you son, and honestly, for me too. You are my first reason.

My second reason is for the third party, the reader. Again, I don't claim any special insight to life and you'll be far better off and definately more entertained by reading books by C.S. Lewis, Nicholas Sparks, or the daily comics. However, if you stumble across this blog, and decide it's worth noting, I hope that what little advice I have to my son will aide you in your life's journey, however far along you may be. May it challenge you at times, bring you comfort when you need it, but always show you truth.

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