Sunday, April 18, 2010

The greatest of these... is Love.

"...And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13


My beautiful boy, read this first letter carefully for it's subject is what brought these letters into being. Indeed, it is what brought you into being. Love, my son, is the greatest feeling, action, and characteristic you can ever possess. When you feel it, words will escape you and no literary description will ever suffice to explain it. When you give it, you will never grow tired of it. It will make you strong, it will make you bold, it will cause you to do the silliest of things, and it will cause you to do the greatest of things. Make no mistake son, love is an action. It is also the greatest of characteristics. When you possess love in your heart, it will mold you, shape you, and form you to be the boy, and later, the man God created you to be. For that is the purpose of your life, and of mine. To be who God created us to be. To love Him first, with all that you are. Then to love others selflessly.

Don't believe the lies that people will tell you about love, and believe me, you will hear all kinds of misguided things. Hold on to the truth of my words. Measure the love they try to sell you by the standard of God's love and his faithfulness. Seek out the 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians and find the characteristics of love. Compare these characteristics to the love this world buys into and you'll find which love is true.

Let love fill your heart until it breaks. For it is a good thing when your heart breaks in love. It may not feel good at the time but I assure you, nothing grows without pain, and a greater love is always worth the price you pay. Love will cost you much at times, for love is sacrificial in nature. Hear these words son, if you sacrifice out of love, love will return to you far greater than what you gave up.

There is so much more that I wish to say on love, but I fear I will complicate it too much. Love should be kept simple, so I'll leave it at this.

Your mother and I love you with all that we are. It is the love that we share for each other, and for God that brought you into this world. I promise you that you will never want for love from us. I pray that the love we show you teaches you far more than these words can teach. My son, you are loved. May you never doubt or forget.


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