So much has changed since our last letter to you.
You're growing up so fast, and I'm trying not to blink.

You're no longer the little baby we brought home from the hospital. You're a bouncy, bubbly, active toddler, and you run everywhere you go. In a week you will be 18 months.

I can't believe it.

I took you to work with me this week and took a few photos. You love being outside and like any little boy, you love dirt, sticks, and rocks. Once my clients got to the park, I offered you a book; you preferred the stick.

You're starting to get more and more independent. You like to venture out as far as you can go and are starting to run from us when we come to get you. I think the whole park heard you screaming as I, your 8 month pregnant mommy carried you under her arm, kicking and screaming, back to your allowed territory.

But even in the midst of the temper tantrum, I love you still, always.
ADORABLE:) I miss seeing you! One month to go to see Jaden's Little Brother! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!